Monday, 4 January 2010

Mest 4 Essay

For my inderpendant study i will be be looking at how magazines portray a negative body image. This will be focusing on magazine covers and articles which will lead into magazine contexts, what they punblish and broadcast.

Many magazine covers portray a negative image to an extent. Female magazine targeted to females aged 16 plus are one of the major imfluences which young teenage girls will aspire to be. Celebrities are role models for young girls, magazine tend to use very slim build models on thier magazine covers, for example Victoria Beckham who has become a main tagret of the media , as she is believed to be a size 0 and on the way to become anorexic, this has become a moral panic as many girls have followed in these role models who are just wastign away. Victoria Beckham has become an idol ofr most girls as she is on magazine covers and articles most of the time, magazine compliment her dress style and her appearence as a celeb, on the other hand many magazines such as gossip magazine ‘Hello’ see how she has changed and how her body image is not doing well and how it can be a problem as young girls may see her as the ‘perfect’ size , so what is the perfect size?

Vogue magazine banned size zero models 2 decades ago. As vogue is one of the worlsd leading magzine title, it has overcome the problem of size zero models and scrapped them out of thier live fashion catwalks and thier magazines . As magazine are one of the main influences on how the female body should look like it is very important these problems should be addressed. The matter of size zero has become conterversial , however matters will not get any better if UK stores such a ‘TOPSHOP’ are producing dress sizes to fit a female who is size Zero. In 2006 Kate Moss was contracted with ‘TOPSHOP’ and created her own clothing line for them. Kate designed and produced clothes for size zero girls and women , which is also a major influence towards females , as Kate is a succesful model young girls may aspire to be like her one day. She has been accused of encouraging girls to size zero as she revealed one of her most shocking mottos ‘Nothing tastes better than skinny feels’. This caused major havoc as this was published all over the media. Yet magazine still use her on thier front coverd and magzine articles. She is also shown in television adverts for ‘Rimme’l cosmectics.

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